Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

Back in the day I used to bake A LOT! At least once or twice a week I made SOMEthing.  Cupcakes were my fav right along with homemade brownies and THE best sugar cookies. I had also mastered the art of the Chocolate Chip Cookie (it really is a skill to get those just right.) Since starting CrossFit 5 years ago and focusing more on a fit lifestyle, I have hung up my apron and I am lucky if I even have flour in my house.  It is a very rare occasion to have a filled cookie jar which my kids really don’t appreciate. This week however I had some bananas that needed to be used. Instead of Banana Bread, my daughter wanted cookies. I was given this recipe years ago by a friend. It is easy (always a must) and the cookies turn out fluffy and soft.  Enjoy!


2 large Bananas mashed

1 cup brown sugar

2 1/4 cups flour

1/4 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

2 tsp baking powder

2/3 cup shortening

1 tsp vanilla

2 eggs

1 cup (or the whole bag) of chocolate chips

Nuts (optional, I never use them)


Preheat oven to 375

Mash Bananas.

Cream shortening, sugar and eggs.

Add Bananas and vanilla.

Add dry ingredients.

Mix until all combined.

Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.

Drop spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Chicken Fried “Rice” – the healthy way

While trying to eat healthy who else gets so sick of chicken and vegetables? ME! ME! ME! That is why I try to be creative. I am constantly searching for healthy recipes that actually taste good.

In order for me to stay on track with food, I HAVE to meal prep. If I don’t, a vicious cycle ensues. Here’s how it goes down: I start to feel hungry so I search my refrigerator.  I don’t have any healthy options already prepared. I feel a bit frustrated and don’t want to eat food that I shouldn’t so I try to eat something small but it definitely does not satisfy me. The hunger takes over and I succumb to a binge fest (I am a self diagnosed Binge Eater!) When I have food prepared, it is just easier. I don’t have to think about what I’m going to eat. It is already made and portioned out. All I have to do is warm it up. I don’t get to the point of starvation where chicken, 1/4 cup brown rice, and zucchini just won’t do and all I want is a loaf of warm French Bread from Albertson’s (yes I will eat the whole loaf) or Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.  Do you see my dilemma? I HAVE to meal prep!

I don’t enjoy eating the same things week after week so I have a few easy meal prep recipes that I rotate through.

Chicken Fried Cauli-Rice is super easy and tastes good. Heaven knows that’s probably the only way I will eat cauliflower so there’s that too.

This is all you need!


Chopped onions

Chopped  celery

Chopped Carrots

  • I buy those in a container already chopped up from Trader Joe’s. Other stores have variations of onions and celery. It all works!

2 bags Cauliflower Rice : Trader Joe’s frozen brand is good and super fast to cook.

2-4 eggs

Cooked Shredded Chicken – I buy a rotisserie cooked chicken from the store. Shreds a lot quicker if it is still warm.

Teriyaki Sauce or Liquid Amino’s or Soy Sauce: based on preference

Olive Oil


Heat Olive Oil in large pan. Just enough to cover the bottom

Add onions, celery, and carrots to Olive Oil and saute until onions are translucent.

Whisk 2-4 eggs (I use 4) and add to onion mixture.

Cook until eggs are cooked through.

While onions are sauteing, cook cauliflower rice according to instructions on the bag, takes about 3-5 minutes in a separate pan.

Once the eggs are cooked, add the cauliflower rice and shredded chicken into the egg mixture. Mix it all together and add Teriyaki Sauce to taste (it doesn’t take much and to keep it healthy you want to go easy on the sauce).

That’s it! Super simple. I portion it out into containers so I have the correct serving size. Still tastes good by the end of the week.